Emotional Cups

3 diverse colourful cups on top of each other

Emotional cups is a project which invites people to tune into their emotions through the form of cups. Each cup serving as a mirror to the spectrum of human emotions, they offer both - a conversation starter and a gentle nudge towards emotional awareness.

About the project

    • Recycled clay

    • Slip casting clay

    • Slip casting

    • Hand crafted

    • Pottery wheel

    • 3D clay printer

  • With my graduation project I aim to bridge the gap between everyday objects and the complex spectrum of human emotions. Through the form of cups, this project invites individuals to tune into their emotions in a day-to-day setting such as drinking coffee or tea. Each cup serves as a reflective mirror, offering a unique perspective on the user's inner world. All the cups are designed to be both, a conversation starter and a gentle nudge towards deeper emotional understanding. By interacting with these cups, individuals are prompted to explore their emotions in a tangible way. This interaction can potentially lead to more open discussions about their feelings, fostering greater emotional awareness and connection to others in everyday life.

    To implement my idea I chose to use 2 mothods: shapes & textures and colors & patterns. Therefore, some cups “speak” their emotions through the touch and the others through the visual appearance. It is for a person to choose which cup they resonate with the most at the specific moment.


Flower Table

